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Madhya Pradesh State
Co-operative Union Limited


Skill up gradation of cooperative sector of M.P under the RPL Scheme of Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna

The State government has taken a policy decision for up grading the skills of those working in the cooperative sector of the state and has entrusted Madhya Pradesh State Co-operative Union the role of nodal agency for conducting various skill up gradation trainings with the assistance of National Skill Development Corporation under the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna.

The Union is working on a plan for the training of about 50,000 employees/members of various cooperative in the next five years. National Skill Development Corporation has awarded a pilot training of 2000 employees working in the retail sector to the Union. These trainings will be conducted at three training centres of the Union namely- Bhopal, Indore and Jabalpur.

With this Madhya Pradesh has become the first state in the country to get financial support from the Pradhan Mantri Kaushal Vikas Yojna for the cooperative sector.

Progress of Phase - I

Detail of Batches-Centre Location Wise

Centre LocationTotal BatchEnrolledPassed FailedAbsentTotal Trained % of passed
Bhopal 21 555 408 113 34 521 78.31
Jabalpur 20 591 417 79 95 496 84.07
Indore 25 657 491 119 47 610 80.49
Total (A) 66 1803 1316 311 176 1627 80.88

Note: - Below table: - data awaited from NSDC portal

Centre LocationTotal BatchEnrolledPassed FailedAbsentTotal Trained
Bhopal 21 555 408 113 34 521
Jabalpur 20 591 417 79 95 496
Indore 25 657 491 119 47 610


Sr. No. Document Name View
1 Madhya pradesh sahkari samachar View Detail
2 Comprehensive Handicraft Cluster Development Scheme View Detail